Steve Litchfield

Mockup of iPhone app folders (modelled on the iPod Touch)

OK, I’m full. Now what? Here’s a suggestion…

I started out well with the AppStore, neatly organising my third party applications into categories: games, utilities, reference, music, and so on. No sweat, I thought. A slight problem when I wanted to get from home screen number 1 to home screen number 9, but at least there’s that handy shortcut (press ‘Home’ again) to get back to screen 1 since the last firmware update (2.2).

Then each category started to fill to overflowing. Meaning that applications spilled out onto the next home screen, polluting it. A month later, I’d reached the point where I’d lost control completely, with the first four applications screens now chock full and no blank ‘slots’ in sight for new apps. 

Another month on and all the one hundred and forty-odd app slots are full. And only another 14,950 applications left on the App Store to install. Err…… 

Read on for an (illustrated!) solution to the problem.
